Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strip

Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strip
Advanced Seals & Gaskets Ltd pride themselves in the ability to convert a wide choice of materials into cut strip. Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strips are just one of thousands of products supplied by ASG. Our Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strips are available as a solid rubber or as a very high-density sponge also known by the trade name “Dynathane”.
Solid Abrasive resistant PU is manufactured in roll form usually in 5 or 10 meter lengths, but can also be purchased in sheet form where shorter strips are required, whereas the Abrasion resistance PU Sponge is manufactured in block form measuring approximately 250mm x 500mm x 65mm thick and 250mm x 1000mm x 65mm thick which can be split down into thinner gauge sheets, all of which can be cut into strips.
Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strips are made to order, manufactured using one of our many machines including band saws, strippers, log cutters and even presses depending upon the size and quantity required - for very small strips in high volume runs, a kiss-cut option may also be available for faster production and time efficiency for the end user. On-site production allows us to closely oversee the whole production process to ensure that we consistently produce high quality, competitively priced strips.
Product Enquiry
For information on Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strip please complete the following quick enquiry or call us on +44(0)1384 252555.
Characteristics of Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane
Using abrasion resistant materials offers a host of properties, characteristics however these will vary between material types and grades, some of the features and benefits include:
- Colours: black, white, red, tan , off-white
- Resistances: varying levels of abrasive resistance, oil, UV, Ozone, heat
- Hardnesses: various levels of hardness depending on material type
- Temperature: wide operating temperatures with certain types suited to extreme highs & lows
Full technical data can be supplied upon request,
or downloaded from our online portal.
What are Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strips?
Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strips are pieces of the material cut to a specific width, in pre-cut lengths or continuous coils as requested by our customers, often used in a similar way to a gasket placed between two surfaces to create a seal, provide cushioning, anti-vibration or insulation.
Abrasive Resistant PU can be taken in two variants - solid rubber and a sponge. Solid Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane rubber is commonly manufactured in continuous rolls at 1.4 meters wide, in a choice of 5-meter or 10-meter lengths and a range of thicknesses, which can be converted into strips at our onsite conversion facilities. The sponge variant is manufactured in small blocks in two standard sizes which are 250mm x 500mm x 65mm thick and 250mm x 1000mm x 65mm thick, these can be split down into thinner gauges to order upon request prior to being sawn or presses into strips.
Solid Polyurethane rubber strips are available in Tan, Red, White (FDA) and Black (Snow Plough) varieties, each suited to different applications. Polyurethane sponge or Dynathane is a microcellular, hard-wearing sponge which feels almost like a solid rubber. The strips, though dense, are lightweight, and flexible, offering a high impact strength with excellent resistance to abrasion and tearing recognisable by the materials off white colour.
Why use Abrasion Resistant Polyurethane Strips?
Abrasion refers to ‘wear’ caused on material when it comes into physical contact with another object or surface. Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strips are manufactured using high quality materials used in physically demanding applications and environments, where they offer extremely high resilience to wear and tear, used to provide a solution to mechanical impact damage, scraping, grinding and corrosion.
Abrasion is more likely to occur where movement or motion creates friction induced wear and tear, this is where putting an Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strip in situ provides surface protection. Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strips are used in applications where there is exposure to erosion, rubbing or scraping which would cause friction and therefore damaging the material, surface or component.
A PU strip with abrasion resistance properties, will resist wear and erosion caused by mechanical wear, allowing the material to retain its original form for longer therefore reducing the risk of component or product failure and saves on the cost of having to replace the material more often.
Different Grades
Advanced Seals & Gaskets Ltd have a network of material manufacturers and suppliers, giving our customers more choice of their Abrasive Resistant Polyurethane Strips material, including:
- Abrasion Resistant PU Sponge (Dynathane) hard wearing lightweight sponge. It is flexible and has a high impact strength with superb resistance to abrasion and tearing, offers an operating temperature range of -40°C to +80°C, manufactured in densities of 450 up to 650 Kg/m³, recognised by its off-white almost tan colour and found used in applications such as tank linings, anti-vibration mounts, gaskets, buffers and for noise reduction.
- Red abrasion resistant rubber is a tough grade of material manufactured from a high quality natural rubber (NR) specifically designed to provide resistance to abrasion and tear. It is commonly used for sacrificial quarry linings and slurry handling plants, target backing curtains, gaskets, fabricated parts and seals, sleeves, and tank and silo linings.
- White abrasion resistant rubber is also manufactured using natural rubber, but a softer compound, which still provides excellent resistance to abrasion and tear. This material is often utilized in product transfer applications such as chute and hopper liner,or converted into gaskets for use within food processing and packaging equipment or machinery. This material offers good resistance to ketones, organic acids, alcohols and aldehydes, however isn't recommended for use with animal fats, petroleum, vegetable oils and most hydrocarbons.
- Shotblast (tan para) rubber is a tan coloured, extremely robust and durable rubber, which has excellent resistance to abrasion,commonly used for chute lining, shot blast cabinet lining, gaskets or seals. Also manufactured from natural rubber, this material offers excellent sealing properties, moderate resistance to some aldehydes, some diluted acids and weak chemicals, but not recommended for contact with solvents, petroleum and concentrated acids.
Advantages to Using Abrasion Resistant PU Materials
- Can be used in physically demanding applications and environments.
- Offers extremely high resilience to wear and tear.
- Provides surface protection and a solution to mechanical impact damage, scraping, grinding and corrosion.
- Cost savings as longer lasting material, therefore reduced risk of component or product failure.
- Can offer a range of other characteristics and properties including ozone, weathering, UV, oil and chemical resistances (these will vary between material grades).
- Can be used as sheets or cut into gaskets to use within machinery and equipment.
Please contact us using the form below or by calling us on +44(0)1384 252555.