Ribbed Matting

Ribbed Matting
Advanced Seals & Gaskets Ltd supply an extensive range of high-quality solid rubber rolls of material, one of which includes a range of rubber matting products (including ribbed matting rolls) in various grades, sometimes also called floor matting, each with characteristics suited for different applications.
One of the most popular types of matting we can offer is Fine Fluted Rubber Matting or Ribbed Matting, which can be supplied in Economy, Premium or varying levels of Electrical Safety grades which are manufactured in continuous roll form.
Our in-house conversion and cutting services allow customers the option of taking the rolls and sheet in their complete form or to be cut down into sheets or smaller sized pads for easier fitting and installation.
What are Ribbed Matting Rolls?
Fine Ribbed (or Fine Fluted / Narrow Ribbed) Rubber matting is manufactured with a narrow ribbed (castellated) pattern which provides an excellent non-slip surface. Fine Ribbed matting is a lightweight but heavy-duty material, suitable for commercial and industrial applications as floor coverings and work surface protection. Ribbed or Fine Fluted Matting is manufactured in continuous ribbed matting rolls, with the non-slip ribs or grooves running down the entire length of material.
Product Enquiry
For information on Ribbed Matting please complete the following quick enquiry or call us on +44(0)1384 252555.
Product Specification & Key Characteristics
- (based on NR/SBR - will vary depending on the material used)
- Colour: Black
- Material Compound: NR/SBR, EPDM or PVC options
- Hardness: 70°
- Temperature Range: -30°C - +70°C
- Features: available in sheet or roll form
Full technical data can be supplied upon request,
or downloaded from our online portal.
Why use Ribbed Matting Rolls?
Ribbed matting rolls are manufactured as an all-around hard-wearing, general-purpose rubber matting creating an easy to clean, non-slip and non-trip flooring for walkways, warehouses, entrances and animal kennels, etc.
This Fine Ribbed Rubber Matting (ribbed matting rolls) is a heavy-duty material, but still very lightweight which can not only be used as floor coverings to provide protection to the floor itself but also protects those walking over it from slipping whilst providing thermal insulation, noise reduction and to create an easy to clean surface.
When taken in roll form, customers can use the material to cover large floor surfaces, or cut the rolls down into smaller sheets or pads to cover smaller areas or sell as and when needed.
Benefits of Using Fine Ribbed Rubber Matting
- Create non-slip floor and work surfaces
- Used as flooring to reduce noise and provide thermal insulation
- Easy to clean
- Floor protection
- Can be cut down to bespoke sized sheets or pads
- Available in a choice of grades including Electrical Safety
Advantages of using Ribbed Matting Rolls
Fine ribbed matting rolls has a corrugated surface, offering a non-slip and anti-fatigue floor covering with good insulation and anti-vibration properties. These mats can be found used in walkways, but also cut down and used on workbench surfaces to provide a non-slip worktop.
Fine ribbed matting rolls offers a number of advantages including insulation from cold floors, protection to floors and surfaces and cushioning for people walking over it, it can also be manufactured in a choice of compounds including PVC, EPDM and Electrical Safety grades for use in different environments and applications.
Fine ribbed matting rolls is easy to clean as the material design allows dirt and liquids to easily run or be brushed off along the ribs (channels) and the non-porous material doesn’t allow for the absorption of liquids or the growth of bacteria, this makes the material a hygienic option for use in factories, warehouses, shop doorways and in many kennel or dog run applications.
By taking the matting in roll form allows users to cover larger surfaces with a minimal number of joins, therefore reducing the risk of trips where the matting joins may not have been fitted correctly or securely. Ribbed matting rolls of material can also be cut down into smaller sheets or pads for easier transportation and for covering smaller spaces.
Types of Matting Available
Anti-fatigue matting is designed as a non-slip floor covering for use at workstations or production lines where individuals would be standing for long periods of time, where the composition of the mats reduces stress on muscles and joints.
Cattle matting is non-slip even when wet, they’re none absorbent and provide insulation from the cold floor. These mats are manufactured with a hollow pattern on the underside to allow for drainage and easy cleaning, making them a hygienic sheet for use with livestock.
Checker plate matting is recognised by their multi-direction pattern, they are a general-purpose non-slip material usually used in walkways and dog kennels. **NOT recommended for use on ramps or any areas where slipping may occur or in areas that horses or cattle stand/walk**
Circular pattern matting is another general-purpose matting material that can be used in a range of general-purpose applications including walkways and catering. This matting is non-toxic, oil and grease resistant.
Electrical matting is used for insulation, stopping or reducing electrical currents – therefore minimising the risk of electric shocks occurring. This material has a fine fluted, non-slip surface used in areas where live electrical equipment is present such as control and switchboard rooms.
Pyramid matting is utilised in the catering industry and on walkways, they offer an easy to clean, non-slip surface even when wet with anti-fatigue and insulation properties.
Studded rubber matting is used to create non-slip floors and work surfaces in many wet and dry applications and environments.
Please contact us using the form below or by calling us on +44(0)1384 252555.