The Complete Sounddeadening Acoustic  Solution.

Acoustic polyurethane foam products play a crucial role in mitigating sound-related challenges across various industries. Engineered with sound-absorbing properties, these foams are designed to dampen noise, reduce reverberation, and enhance overall acoustic control within a given space. The open-cell structure of polyurethane foam proves instrumental in effectively trapping and dissipating sound energy, making it a popular choice for applications where noise reduction is a priority.

In architectural settings, such as offices, conference rooms, and theaters, acoustic polyurethane foam finds extensive use to improve the acoustic quality of spaces. The foam contributes to creating a more comfortable and focused environment by minimizing disruptive background noise. Additionally, the automotive industry widely incorporates these foam products to address interior noise challenges in vehicles, thereby enhancing the overall driving experience for passengers.


Polyurethane foam is relatively easy to install. Sheets or panels can be cut to size and attached to walls or ceilings using adhesives, while spray foam can be applied directly to surfaces.

Polyurethane foam can be easily cut or shaped to fit specific areas and requirements. This allows for customization based on the unique acoustic challenges of a particular space.

Compared to some other acoustic treatment materials, polyurethane foam is often more affordable. This makes it a cost-effective solution for individuals and businesses looking to improve acoustics on a budget.

Polyurethane foam is effective at absorbing sound waves, particularly in the mid to high-frequency range. This makes it suitable for reducing echoes and reverberation in various environments, including recording studios, home theaters, offices, and industrial spaces.

Polyurethane foam is lightweight, making it easy to handle and install. This characteristic is advantageous for both permanent installations and temporary setups.

Polyurethane foam is available in various forms, including sheets, panels, and spray foam. This versatility allows for different applications, from wall and ceiling panels to filling gaps and irregular spaces with spray foam.

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Acoustic Products

Acoustic Eggbox panels

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Acoustic Convoluted Egg Box Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Acoustic Soundproofing Panels

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Acoustic Convoluted Egg Box Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Acoustic Hexagonal Soundproofing Panels

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Acoustic Convoluted Egg Box Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Acoustic Foam Sheet

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Class 'O' Acoustic Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Acoustic Barrier Sheet

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Class 'O' Acoustic Polyurethane Foam with Barrier Sheets.
Packaging Polyurethane Foam Sheets

EggBox Foam Sheets

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Convaluted Packaging Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Foil Acoustic Foam Sheet

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Foil Faced Acoustic Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

High Load Bearing (HLB)

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of High Load Bearing Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Basotech Foam Sheet

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Melamine Foam Basotech Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Pick And Pluck Foam

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Pick & Pluck Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Antistatic Foam Sheet

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Pink Antistatic Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Polyester Foam Sheet

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Polyester Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Polyether Foam Sheet

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Polyether Polyurethane Foam Sheets.

Reconstituted foam

Advanced Seals and Gaskets Limited are one of the UK's leading manufacturers in the conversion of Reconstituted Polyurethane Foam Sheets.





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Polyurethane Foam Acoustic

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In the dynamic world of fitness, where every detail contributes to the overall experience, ASG stands out as a leading provider of gym flooring solutions. Crafting spaces that seamlessly marry functionality and aesthetics, ASG's gym flooring is a testament to innovation and quality. Let's delve into the world of gym flooring, exploring what it encompasses, why it's essential, and the myriad benefits and advantages it brings to fitness enthusiasts.

Understanding Gym Flooring

Gym flooring, at its core, is a critical component that defines the foundation of any fitness space. It serves as the canvas upon which the active pursuits of individuals unfold, absorbing impact, providing stability, and contributing to the overall safety and performance of workouts. ASG's gym flooring options are meticulously designed to cater to the diverse needs of fitness environments, ensuring an optimal blend of durability, safety, and customization.

Why Use ASG Gym Flooring?

The choice of gym flooring is not arbitrary; it is a deliberate decision with profound implications for both the athletes and the space itself. Gym flooring acts as a protective barrier, safeguarding the underlying structure from the rigors of heavy equipment and high-impact activities. Beyond protection, it provides a stable and slip-resistant surface, fostering an environment where fitness enthusiasts can confidently push their limits without compromising safety.

ASG's commitment to excellence in gym flooring is evident in every facet of their offerings. From durability and shock absorption to innovative design options and ease of maintenance, ASG's gym flooring solutions redefine fitness spaces. Elevate your gym experience with ASG, where the fusion of form and function creates an environment where fitness goals are not just pursued but surpassed.

Benefits of ASG Gym Flooring

Durability Beyond Expectations:

ASG's gym flooring is synonymous with durability. Engineered to withstand the demands of intense workouts, it ensures longevity and structural integrity, even in high-traffic fitness spaces.

Shock Absorption for Joint Health:

One of the standout benefits is the shock absorption capacity of ASG's gym flooring. It mitigates the impact on joints during activities like running or weightlifting, fostering a safer and more comfortable workout experience.

Customization for Visual Appeal:

ASG recognizes the importance of aesthetics in a fitness space. Their gym flooring comes in a spectrum of colors, allowing for customization to match the overall theme of the gym or create distinct workout zones.

Sound Dampening for Enhanced Atmosphere:

Noise reduction is a critical consideration in shared gym spaces. ASG's gym flooring is designed to dampen sound, creating a more pleasant and focused workout environment.

Different Grades of Gym Flooring

ASG recognizes that not all fitness spaces have the same requirements. Hence, their gym flooring comes in different grades, each tailored to specific needs.

Basic Grade:

Ideal for home gyms or spaces with moderate foot traffic, the basic grade provides reliable protection and comfort.

Intermediate Grade:

Stepping up in durability, the intermediate grade suits environments with higher foot traffic, such as commercial gyms and fitness studios.

Premium Grade:

The pinnacle of ASG's offerings, the premium grade is engineered for intense use in high-traffic fitness facilities, ensuring the highest level of performance and longevity.

Advantages of Using ASG Gym Flooring

Quality Assurance:

ASG is synonymous with a commitment to quality. Their gym flooring solutions undergo stringent quality control measures, ensuring that customers receive a product that not only meets but exceeds industry standards.

Innovative Design Options:

ASG's gym flooring goes beyond functionality; it's a design element in itself. The company offers innovative design options, allowing for personalized touches such as incorporating logos or specific markings on the flooring.

Ease of Maintenance:

Maintaining a clean and hygienic gym environment is effortless with ASG's gym flooring. Regular sweeping and occasional mopping are all that's required, simplifying the upkeep for gym owners and operators.

Have a Question About ASG Gym Flooring

Please contact us using the form below or by calling us on +44(0)1384 252555.